Thursday, July 28, 2011

Queen Ants

Queen ant nest building
Did not have to go far this morning to find a bit of natural history action. In fact these pictures were taken two paces from my front door. Over the last couple of days we have hot and humid weather here. These are the classic conditions for ants to swarm in mating flights. Two days ago the air was full of flying ants. Mating flight now over the queens are looking to set up home. One has decided that my brick pavier drive would be ideal and has started digging down between the bricks. Probably a good choice, the bricks will provide protection and absorb heat that will be released overnight to keep the developing ants warm. At the moment she is on her own, but is full of fertilised eggs. Once she has formed a chamber she will lay eggs and look after the grubs. When they grow up they will be the worker ants that will expand the nest and look after her every need. These could be her last few days in the sun before she becomes an underground egg laying machine.

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