Sunday, May 15, 2011

15 of May 2011: Flowers and Spiders

One of the Hawkweeds
Nature is really starting to wake up now. A lot more flowers out and a lot more insects. The familiar buzz of tiny wings at high speed, a constant reminder of just how much life is crammed into the Welsh hills. 

The Bluebells in the wood are going over now, greater stitchwort and Pignut are taking over, we have moved from blue to white. Even the insects are colour coordinated - a couple of Large White butterflies were fluttering around under the trees.

Out in the fields the flowers are really going for it. A lot of yellow around. Dandelions have dispersed to the winds and now it's the turn of its cousin the Hawkweed. The photograph shows the family resemblance, but it has a much flatter flower. A real stunner.

A few sheltered spots have some tired Bluebells left and these are being pollinated but large numbers of Bumble Bees. Good to see given the problems our bees have been having. Most were the Red Tailed Bumble Bee.

Hunting Spider (Pisaura mirabillis)
I also came across a leggy blond. In this case eight legs and carrying an egg sac. This splendid specimen was a Hunting Spider, Pisaura mirabillis, a real killer in damp, rank vegetation. This area certainly fitted that description and smelt strongly of horse manure - I found out why when I stood up. Such are the perils of photography. I had to stalk this girl for a while before she broke cover enough for a photograph, very fast. Even more impressive when you consider the load she is carrying in her fangs.

Also seen, but not photographed; a very pale common blue and a high speed small copper. Great to see, would have been nice if they hung around for a bit. Saw my first Garden Chafer, these guys are real characters, managed to get a snap just as he decided it was time to leave. In past years we have had huge numbers of these beetles.

Check out My Flickr site for more pictures

Garden Chafer Phyllopertha horticola

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